Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hello! I guess I need a blog! I'm new to this, as you will be able to tell. I don't particularly like to write, but I tend to be too wordy! How does that fit? I'm starting this because I like to participate in blog hops and card making challenges. This weekend it's Operation Write Home's blog hop. I'll post a link when I figure it out.


StampinSher said...

Good for you to start a blog! I think you will be doing just fine especially since you were doing the blog hop with OWH, Memorial Weekend. Thank you for your comment!
Smilin' Sher

helloholley said...

I know it's intimidating.....if I can do it....anyone can!!! REALLY....just started blogging not too long ago!! Good luck;)
I can't wait to see your creations....I love your blog name!!!

Jean Fitch from jlfstudio said...

Love the title and the look! After the hop the content is a given!

Blessings on the new blog and blogger.